How to drive in Cameroon?

Driving in Cameroon can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's essential to be aware of the local road regulations, fines, and safety measures. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, understanding the road information, speed limits, fuel options, International Driver's License requirements, and emergency numbers will help ensure a smooth and pleasant journey.

Road Information
Cameroon's road network varies in quality, ranging from well-maintained highways to rough rural roads. In urban areas, traffic congestion is common, so plan your trips during off-peak hours to avoid delays.

Speed Limits
The general speed limits in Cameroon are 60 km/h in urban areas, 80 km/h on open roads, and 100 km/h on highways. Always adhere to these limits, as exceeding them may result in fines or worse, accidents.

Fines and Penalties
If you are caught violating traffic rules, expect to pay fines ranging from CFA 10,000 to CFA 50,000, depending on the severity of the offense. It's essential to obey traffic laws to avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure everyone's safety.

Fuel Options
Fuel stations are widely available in urban areas and along major roads. Cameroon primarily uses petrol (essence) and diesel. Make sure to keep your tank full before embarking on long journeys, as fuel stations might be scarce in remote regions.

Driving License Requirements
Foreign visitors can use their national driving licenses for up to three months. After that, you must obtain a local driver's license to continue driving legally in Cameroon. Check with local authorities to know the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining a local license or an International Permit.

Vehicle Insurance
Before hitting the road, ensure your vehicle has valid insurance coverage. Third-party liability insurance is mandatory, and it will protect you from potential financial liabilities in case of accidents.

Seatbelt and Child Safety
Seatbelt usage is mandatory for all occupants in the vehicle. If you're traveling with children, make sure they are seated in appropriate child safety seats, as per their age and size.

Right-Hand Traffic
In Cameroon, vehicles drive on the right side of the road. Remember to stay in the right lane and overtake from the left.

Road Courtesy
Cameroonians value politeness on the road. Use your indicators while changing lanes or turning, and show respect to other drivers and pedestrians.

Road Conditions
Be prepared for varying road conditions, including potholes and speed bumps. Drive cautiously to avoid any damage to your vehicle or accidents.

Weather Considerations
During the rainy season, roads can become slippery and prone to flooding. Reduce your speed and maintain extra distance from the vehicle ahead in adverse weather conditions.

Useful Emergency Numbers
In case of an emergency, note down these important numbers:
Police: 117
Ambulance: 119
Fire Service: 118

Wildlife Caution
In rural areas, watch out for wildlife crossing the road, especially at dawn and dusk. Collisions with animals can be dangerous, so stay vigilant.

Avoid Night Driving
It's advisable to avoid driving at night, especially in remote regions, due to poorly lit roads and potential safety hazards.

Being Patient and Flexible
Driving in Cameroon can be a bit chaotic at times, but staying patient and flexible will help you navigate the roads more smoothly.

Driving in Cameroon can be a fantastic experience if you approach it with awareness and respect for the local regulations and customs. By understanding road information, adhering to speed limits, obtaining the necessary International Permit, and keeping emergency numbers at hand, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable journey through this beautiful country. Remember to be courteous and considerate of other road users to make driving in Cameroon a positive experience for everyone. Apply now to get your International Driver's License and enjoy an exceptional trip in Cameroon!