How to drive in Taiwan?
Basic rules of the roads and driving requirements.
Traffic drives on the right and passes on the left side of the road. Roads in Taiwan's major cities are generally congested and scooters and motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic make driving conditions hazardous.
Exercise caution when driving on mountain roads which are typically narrow, winding, without side walks and often impassable after heavy rains.
Nevertheless, the numbered highway system is very good in Taiwan. Most traffic signs are in international symbols, although many signs show names of places and streets in Chinese only.
Highways in Taiwan are classified into four types:
1. National highways: 1 - 10
2. Provincial highways: 1 - 28, 61 - 88
3. County routes: 101 - 205
4. Township routes
As a general rule, odd numbers represent north-south highways and even numbers represent east-west and numbers increase moving west to east and north to south. Major north-south provincial highways are indicated by a one-digit number and its cross streets carry the same number letters in alphabetical order.
Unless otherwise indicated, speed limits are:
- 15 km/h when approaching a railroad crossing
- 40 km/h on roads without lanes or slow lanes separated by single solid white lines
- 50 km/h on other roads and lanes
-Freeways - 100 km/h - limited segments - 90, 80, or 70 km/h
-National Highway No. 3 - 110 km/h, the highest speed limit in Taiwan.
-Truck with a gross weight of 20 tons or more - 90 km/h
-Approaches to toll stations and work areas - 60 km/h.
Toll stations with weigh stations are located every thirty to forty kilometers on the No. 1 and No. 3 National Freeways of the Republic of China. There are usually no free-way exits after the sign appears therefore drivers should familiarize themselves with the locations in advance. Toll booth operators only collect prepaid tickets in the left lanes of the station; cash and tickets are collected in the right. Cars pay a $40 toll per station on the highway and repaid tickets may be purchased at most convenience stores.
1-International Driver’s License (IDL)
2-Taiwan Driver’s License
3-A national driver’s license may be used only with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) if your country has a reciprocal agreement with Taiwan.
Foreigners holding a valid national license issued reciprocating countries may drive for thirty days. The maximum period of validity for International Driver’s License (IDL)is one year. The expiry date of the driving permit depends on the expiry date of the original international driver’s license and ARC, whichever expires first.
Valid International Driver’s License (IDL) and passport or Alien Residence Certificate (A.R.C) card are required.
Third party liability insurance is mandatory.
Drivers and passengers in the front must fasten seatbelts.
You may ride a 50cc scooter If you hold a Taiwanese automobile driver's license or an International Driving Permit. A motorcycle license is necessary for larger equipment up to 150cc. A crash helmet is mandatory when riding a motorbike.
Fire 119
Police 110
Sources: Taiwan AlloExpat / Taipei Motor Vehicles Supervision Office / Motor Vehicle Office Taipei City Government / Taiwan Ministry of Transportation and Communications / Wikipedia / / Taiwan Area National FreeWay Bureau / Taiwan Directorate General of Highways